final collection: Arizona, page 3

14. Full round rainbow wood thick slice limb section cut and polished on both ends. Appears on page 74 of Petrified Wood. As perfect as they get. 74 by 67 mm polished face; 23 mm thick; seven ounces. SOLD

15. Full round gemmy green, natural on one end and polished on top, with a bit of orange/brown added to the mix, a nice addition. Free standing. 40 by 47 mm polished face; 8 cm tall; eight ounces. SOLD

16. Full round star dadoxylon end cut, cut and polished on one end, otherwise all natural. Appears on page 255 of Ancient Forests. I fortuitously came upon a mound of Winslow gold in the back lot of a Holbrook rock shop, shortly after it had been delivered. It was a pickup load. I spent several hours going through it and removing all the best pieces. Most of the load was heavily fractured. This one is as good as they get, which is perfect. The star pattern is obvious on the natural end. 40 by 92 mm polished face; 44 mm thick; ten ounces. $800

17. The eyeball. Specimen round Nazlini branch end, cut and polished on one end, otherwise all natural. 48 by 65 mm polished face; 6 cm tall; eleven ounces. $1,500

18. Schilderia. Adamana, Arizona. Full round slice. Appears in Petrified Wood on page 60. There’s a slice of the same log in Jim Gray’s Collection. Excellent. 16 by 19 cm polished face; 14 mm thick; two pounds. SOLD

19. Specimen round Winslow Green, contour polished on one end, otherwise all natural. Chromium green. 4.5 by 6 cm polished face; 60 mm thick; nine ounces. $1200

20. Specimen round Winslow Green, contour polished on one end, otherwise all natural. Chromium green. 48 by 67 mm polished face; 55 mm thick; ten ounces. $1200

21. Full round Winslow Green. Large log end, cut and polished on the top and otherwise all natural. Attractive stump appearance. More lime green than most. 10 by 12 cm polished face; 6 cm thick; two pounds and eight ounces. SOLD


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