final collection: Arizona, page 2

6. The Golden One. Full round gemmy rare golden slice with splashes of red and blue. Appears in Ancient Forests on page 258. 40 by 47 mm polished face; 8 cm tall; eight ounces. 16 by 13 polished face; 23 mm thick; two pounds and three ounces. SOLD

7. 4 1/2 Pound Green Log. At a certain point in the growth of petrified wood collectors, they learn about this wood, see a specimen, and want one. This one has it all. It’s full round with one natural end and one polished end. The exterior is a stunning representative of the interesting, desiccated appearing surface one expects in this wood, and it even has two knots. Flawless gemmy green, colored by chromium, as are emeralds. But emeralds are not this rare. Appears in Ancient Forests on page 254. 21 cm long; 5.5 by 9 cm polished face; four pounds and eight ounces. SOLD

8. Tall Green Log. Solid and gemmy with an attractive exterior including a knot, as well as an attractive, jade-like polished end. Full round, cut on both ends and polished on one. It is free standing. Appears in Ancient Forests on page 254. 15 cm tall; 5 by 6 cm polished face; one pound and ten ounces. $4,000

9. Specimen round Nazlini cut and polished on one face, otherwise all natural. Appears in Petrified Wood on page 72. 12.5 by 9 polished face; up to 49 mm thick one pound and thirteen ounces. $1,500

10. Rainbow wood slice with three natural edges and one that is cut. 105 by 109 mm polished face; 8 mm thick; 7.6 ounces. $800

11. Nazlini. Pink and white glassy full round slice. Appears in Ancient Forests on page 260. A precious gem. I included an image of the back. It screams beautiful mineralization. 8 by 9 cm polished face; 23 mm thick; nine ounces. $1,200

12. Pink Keyhole. Full round pink Nazlini end cut. It seems that each of the separate areas of my collection there’s at least one specimen that is so amazing as to be priceless. This is one for Arizona. I gave it a quarter page closeup on page 32 and half a page on page 60 in Petrified Wood. It’s a small piece but so amazing as to be practically unbelievable. An actual gem. 7 by 8 cm mirror-polished face; 2 cm thick; six ounces. $4,000

As with all of these, take a moment to ponder the incredible, 200-million-year journey from a living tree — now extinct for a thousand times longer than humans have been walking on two legs — to such a beautiful gem, a gem far rarer than a diamond – a gem mineralogically predominantly identical to an amethyst or citrine, but in a unique form, built and patterned by Nature’s whims and desires.

13. Full round blue and red limb, cut and polished on one end, otherwise natural. Appears on page 64 on Petrified Wood. The vast majority of Arizona wood comprises huge logs; limbs like this are scarce, especially one so perfect. Versus all trees the planet has engendered, the statistical rarity of a fossil tree preserved in such perfect condition must be one in a trillion. 57 by 64 cm polished face; one pound and two ounces. SOLD

click here for final collection/AZ, page 3