final collection: Oregon, page 6

72. Post. Sycamore. The type most sought by collectors. Top quality Post – full round with excellent exterior and gemmy interior with beautiful structures. Specimens like this were some of the highest priced fossil wood specimens back in the 1970s and 1980s. Every collector wanted a nice Post sycamore. One end natural. 13 by 4.5 by 4 cm; one pound and four ounces. $1500

73. Post. Pine, spruce, and/or larch -like. Conifer with resin canals, tiny cells, and uniseriate rays. Amazingly well-preserved cells. It’s 2021 and I just used Ancient Forests to make this identification. Good book. Glassy and gemlike. Compressed tracheids created diamond-shaped voids which infilled as agate and other forms of silica. A dream under magnification. All natural but one cut and polished face. 8 cm long; 4 cm thick; no glue or filler; weighs three ounces. Rare.  SOLD

74. Sculpture by Nature. Hampton Butte. As found, naturally wind and water polished specimen round hunk with much interest and beauty. 8 cm tall by about 14 by 16 in girth; five pounds and three ounces.   $500

75. Grassy Mountain. Malheur County, OR. Succor Creek Formation. Miocene. Specimen round, cut and polished on both ends. Beautiful colors with remarkably well preserved and gorgeous hardwood cell structures. Solid and problem free. 4 by 7 cm polished faces; 7 cm long; one pound and five ounces. $1200

76. North of Brothers, Oregon. Full round limb cast with unusual milky white dominating a beautiful concentric agate on the polished face. The natural end is interesting, complete with druzy quartz crystals. 38 by 54 mm polished face; 83 mm long; ten ounces. $800

click here for Oregon, page 7